I gave a talk in our ward. I invited everyong to stop living up to the potential of hormigas (ants). The only way we can do this is by one, realizing that we are God's children, and two, doing stuff that children of God should and can do. So basically, the only way to not be an hormiga, is to study and apply the scriptures to your life. It is in the scriptures that we learn that we are God's children and also where we learn what we need to be doing to llegar a ser como El (become like Him).
This week was funny because we got a lot of doors slammed and a lot of excuses....
"Sorry, I can't, I'm cooking noodles right now."
"I don't have time, my kid is using the bathroooom."
"Sorry, there is food in the oven. It's really complicated for me."
"We are eating, so no."
"My wife is showering, so I don't have time."
"I'm busy." x300
"I'm hurried." x70098
Overall a great week. Love you all. Read your scriptures. Don't be ants.
This week was funny because we got a lot of doors slammed and a lot of excuses....
"Sorry, I can't, I'm cooking noodles right now."
"I don't have time, my kid is using the bathroooom."
"Sorry, there is food in the oven. It's really complicated for me."
"We are eating, so no."
"My wife is showering, so I don't have time."
"I'm busy." x300
"I'm hurried." x70098
Overall a great week. Love you all. Read your scriptures. Don't be ants.
Overall a great week. Love you all. Read your scriptures. DOn{t be ants.